Introducing Logic: A Graphic Guide | Math2Ever

Introducing Logic: A Graphic Guide | Math2Ever

Introducing Logic: A Graphic Guide

Posted: 29 Jun 2014 07:59 AM PDT

If you have had any sort of encounter with logic (I've had propositional, predicate, and a touch of modal logic) this book will be a fun overview of the history of logic and important figures in the science. It covers classical, fuzzy, and quantum logic and explores the attempts to found mathematics on logical foundations (Frege, Russell). The ideas of all the greats are introduced with ease (Leibniz, Godel, Hilbert, Aristotle, Quine, Davidson, Turing, Wittgenstein, etc). And it details how computers have their basis in logical systems.

It's presented in cartoonish fashion, but is an intelligent (and not a dumbed down) overview of the subject. Someone who has not had logic will benefit from a couple of readings. As the book is not long this shouldn't be difficult (it might just be all you'd ever need or want to know about the subject).

There is a section of further reading that recommends one of the best 1st order logic book - Tomassi - that I've encountered. The other recommendations are perfect for one who wants to delve deeper into this fascinating field.

MyMathLab: Student Access Kit

Posted: 29 Jun 2014 07:45 AM PDT

I am a college professor who uses My Math Lab. 
I also love amazon and their customer service. For a few semesters, mainly 2010-2011 while Pearson was making updates codes did not work. MY code would not even work. We, too, went through the rigamaroe with Pearson that the college was selling invalid codes, blah, blah. If you bought online with a credit card you were good to go but access codes were all saying invalid. The sad part is as far as I know, Pearson NEVER owned up to the problem being their fault. My students and I were able to finally access MML thanks to a Pearson rep who gave me a back door code.

We did not have any issues last year so I think you are safe to buy the code from Amazon. Why in eWorld the price keeps increasing is beyond me....but as another reviewer stated, "It's a racket". As a former college student, teacher, mother of 3 college graduates and a son who is a college junior, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE!!!!

M. Loghry "matheduc8tor"

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